Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hannah's 4th Birthday Party

When I was a little girl, I loved my dolls! They were definitely played with, dragged around, fed mud pies , their hair brushed, braided and even cut. I had all kinds of dolls from Barbie to baby dolls. When I was a teenager I collected rag dolls. Now that I'm a grown woman, I still love dolls. I can spend hours looking through stores that sell dolls. I have my own collection and I inherited my mother's collection. Having all boys, I really never got to pass on that love, even though they were given a few dolls in their childhood. So when I was invited to Hannah's Birthday Party, I had a rare opportunity to look through all the dolls for one I could purchase for a precious little girl, Hannah is my friend Dawn's little girl and is in my Sunday School class. I wasn't even sure she played with dolls, someone told me girl's just don't play with dolls like they use to? Well not in Hannah's case, she loves dolls and I think she really liked the one I picked out. Above is a picture of Hannah holding the doll I gave her. Maybe someday I will have granddaughters to pass on that love and my own dolls, if not I'm sure I will find other little girls to pass on that love.


Linda said...

Hi Donna! Well done on starting your blog! Can't wait to see pics of your craft cottage and stuff you create in it! Hannah looks lovely- hope you get a granddaughter one day to five dolls to.

Love from Linda X

Lynn W. said...

Lovely blog Donna! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork.

Hannah is a real cutie, and I bet she love that doll already!

Lynn x