I know I've been missing in action. Sorry everyone!!! I've had lots going on in my life the last few months. I'll try to do better!!
I spent most of last weekend at my friend Charlotte's home. I'm finally learning to quilt!!!Besides Charlotte and I there were three other ladies. Janie, Kathy and Patty. Patty is Charlotte's big sister and Kathy is Patty's best friend. What a blessing, they both teach quilting classes, I was in good hands. They all taught me so much. Friday night, they started me on a String Quilt, Sat. morning Patty taught me how to do a braid. Sat. afternoon we went on a field trip to a cute little quilt shop in Montgomery, TX. When we returned to Charlotte's house she showed me how to do a Stack and Slash quilt using my new fabric I bought at the quilt shop. Then we went to a local restaurant, where I had some wonderful Fried Shrimp, then I had to head home, but Charlotte sent me out with a bag full of scraps to use on my String quilt. Only I forgot to bring my backing, so I've not been able to work on my quilt. However I have all my scraps ironed and ready to go!!